Many thanks to Jim and all the rad geeks at GWW for the great review. In the piece, BLOWBACK (REVIEW), he covered all aspects of the book, including an awesome take on the artwork.
"Kev Hopgood (Art) and Charlie Kirchoff (colors) bring this epic time-traveling revolutionary rollercoaster to life. For an indie, this is some amazing work and you can see the passion shine through in each panel. From the present-day air carriers to the impressive illustrations of the ships, especially the transformed World War II Destroyer. There is amazing detail to be found in each panel.
Characters are drawn exceptionally well with great care and attention to detail. The art style is perfectly suited for this fun-filled adventure."
Summing up the overall experience, Jim likens the story to a great night out at the movies.
"This book feels and reads like a good Friday night action flick. With brilliant dialogue, on-point one-liners and a good cast of characters, you will find yourself flipping through the pages holding your breath in anticipation for what is next."
Click over to read the review for yourself, and then check out all the other glorious genre coverage throughout the site.